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mercredi 29 octobre 2014

« Google Is Not What It Seems par Julian Assange” N°2012 8e année

In this extract from his new book When Google Met Wikileaks, WikiLeaks' publisher Julian Assange describes the special relationship between Google, Hillary Clinton and the State Department -- and what that means for the future of the internet. WikiLeaks readers can obtain a 20 percent discount on the cover price when ordering from the OR Books website by using the coupon code "WIKILEAKS".
La suite ci-dessous:

+ l’entretien entre Snowden et The Nation :

« [….]
Nation: So you don't feel like a prisoner here?
Snowden: No. For example, I went to St. Petersburg—St. Petersburg is awesome.
The Nation: Do you watch television?
Snowden: I do everything on the computer. TV is obsolete technology for me.
La suite ci-dessous:

Jean Vinatier


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